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PDF-Bücher Art Collecting Today: Market Insights for Everyone Passionate about Art, by Doug Woodham

PDF-Bücher Art Collecting Today: Market Insights for Everyone Passionate about Art, by Doug Woodham

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Art Collecting Today: Market Insights for Everyone Passionate about Art, by Doug Woodham

Art Collecting Today: Market Insights for Everyone Passionate about Art, by Doug Woodham

Art Collecting Today: Market Insights for Everyone Passionate about Art, by Doug Woodham

PDF-Bücher Art Collecting Today: Market Insights for Everyone Passionate about Art, by Doug Woodham

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Dieses Buch ist eigentlich das aktuelle Leben liefern nicht nur konzipiert, sondern zusätzlich Zukunft. Durch die Versorgung der Vorteile dieses Art Collecting Today: Market Insights For Everyone Passionate About Art, By Doug Woodham, vielleicht wird es sicherlich führen Sie Zweifel es nicht zu sein. Seien Sie nur eine der tollen Besucher in der Welt, die immer die hervorragende Qualität Veröffentlichung überprüfen. Mit den qualifizierten Publikationen, könnten Sie Ihren Geist als auch Gedanken schärfen. Dies ist nicht nur um die Sicht; es geht um die Tatsache.

Dennoch ist auch dieses Buch von der Realität geschaffen basiert, eine, die extrem interessant ist, dass der Autor sehr intelligent machen ist diese Veröffentlichung sehr einfach zu überprüfen und zu verstehen. Schätzen Sie die hervorragenden Zuschauer immer die Überprüfung der Praxis hat, bietet jeder Schriftsteller ihr Ideal in ihre Gedanken und Werke verwenden. Dass Sie und auch genau das, was Sie irgendein großes Problem nicht geworden sind, diese Veröffentlichung zu erhalten. Nach dieser Website zu sehen, könnten Sie mehr zu diesem Buch untersuchen und danach entdecken sie eine Analyse zu erkennen.

Art Collecting Today: Market Insights for Everyone Passionate about Art, by Doug Woodham


"The latest in Allworth's series on the nuts and bolts of the art world, Mr Woodham's book is an elegant, amusing and perceptive guide to a market that is (often) long on hocus-pocus and short on transparency." ?THE ECONOMIST "Several books about the notoriously opaque art market claim to be user-friendly, but Doug Woodham, who was president of Christie's Americas between 2012 and 2014, may be the first to produce a truly hand-holding guide." ?THE FINANCIAL TIMES "Mr. Woodham's book contains startling information about the number of people in the market for the world's most expensive art." ?THE NEW YORK TIMES "Doug Woodham deftly explains how a sixty-billion-dollar marketplace works. It is beautifully written?clear, concise, and free of art-world jargon. A must-read at all levels of collecting." ?VIK MALHOTRA, Chairman of the Americas and Senior Partner, McKinsey and Company "This book is a gem. It is full of great stories and surprises for both specialists and general readers. It is brimming with practical advice for how collectors can best navigate the complex world of modern and contemporary art." ?LAURIE TISCH, Co-chair of the Board of Trustees at the Whitney Museum of American Art, President of the Laurie M. Tisch Illumination Fund "An intelligently written and insightful book on the art market, this fascinating read is relevant to both newcomers and seasoned collectors alike. I know of no other comparable book. It's an instant classic." ?DON MARRON, Trustee and President Emeritus of the Museum of Modern Art, Chairman and Founder of Lightyear Capital "For anyone who cares for or is just curious about art, Doug Woodham is an astute, lively, and entertaining guide who tells you candidly how the art world works, how it's changing, and how to get engaged. Art Collecting Today presents his wealth of knowledge in a crisp, accessible, and fascinating form." ?MELISSA BERMAN, President and CEO, Rockefeller Philanthropy Advisors "This thoughtful volume is one of the few that explores the entire ecosystem of the art market?auction houses, art fairs, advisors, galleries, artists, and museums. Woodham aims to make the market more accessible and rightly foregrounds passion, quality, and connoisseurship as the jumping off point for collecting." ?ADAM WEINBERG, Alice Pratt Brown Director, Whitney Museum of American Art"The latest in Allworth's series on the nuts and bolts of the art world, Mr Woodham's book is an elegant, amusing and perceptive guide to a market that is (often) long on hocus-pocus and short on transparency." ?THE ECONOMIST "Several books about the notoriously opaque art market claim to be user-friendly, but Doug Woodham, who was president of Christie's Americas between 2012 and 2014, may be the first to produce a truly hand-holding guide." ?THE FINANCIAL TIMES "Mr. Woodham's book contains startling information about the number of people in the market for the world's most expensive art." ?THE NEW YORK TIMES "Doug Woodham deftly explains how a sixty-billion-dollar marketplace works. It is beautifully written?clear, concise, and free of art-world jargon. A must-read at all levels of collecting." ?VIK MALHOTRA, Chairman of the Americas and Senior Partner, McKinsey and Company "This book is a gem. It is full of great stories and surprises for both specialists and general readers. It is brimming with practical advice for how collectors can best navigate the complex world of modern and contemporary art." ?LAURIE TISCH, Co-chair of the Board of Trustees at the Whitney Museum of American Art, President of the Laurie M. Tisch Illumination Fund "An intelligently written and insightful book on the art market, this fascinating read is relevant to both newcomers and seasoned collectors alike. I know of no other comparable book. It's an instant classic." ?DON MARRON, Trustee and President Emeritus of the Museum of Modern Art, Chairman and Founder of Lightyear Capital "For anyone who cares for or is just curious about art, Doug Woodham is an astute, lively, and entertaining guide who tells you candidly how the art world works, how it's changing, and how to get engaged. Art Collecting Today presents his wealth of knowledge in a crisp, accessible, and fascinating form." ?MELISSA BERMAN, President and CEO, Rockefeller Philanthropy Advisors "This thoughtful volume is one of the few that explores the entire ecosystem of the art market?auction houses, art fairs, advisors, galleries, artists, and museums. Woodham aims to make the market more accessible and rightly foregrounds passion, quality, and connoisseurship as the jumping off point for collecting." ?ADAM WEINBERG, Alice Pratt Brown Director, Whitney Museum of American Art

Über den Autor und weitere Mitwirkende

Doug Woodham brings a unique perspective to the art market from his lifelong interest in art, business, and collecting. A trained economist with a PhD from the University of Michigan, Woodham served as president of the Americas for Christie's, the international auction house. He is currently on the board of the arts venture Twyla. Earlier in his career, he was a partner with McKinsey and Company, working primarily with asset and wealth management clients. He continues his advocacy for collectors by advising private clients on legacy planning associated with their art collection, including helping them to asses alternative disposition strategies. Woodham and his wife, who are based in New York City, are avid collectors with a focus on drawings by artists associated with minimalism, conceptualism, and land art.


Taschenbuch: 208 Seiten

Verlag: Allworth; Auflage: Reprint (3. April 2018)

Sprache: Englisch

ISBN-10: 9781621536376

ISBN-13: 978-1621536376

ASIN: 1621536378

Vom Hersteller empfohlenes Alter: Ab 18 Jahren

Größe und/oder Gewicht:

15,2 x 1,5 x 22,9 cm

Durchschnittliche Kundenbewertung:

Schreiben Sie die erste Bewertung

Amazon Bestseller-Rang:

Nr. 161.051 in Fremdsprachige Bücher (Siehe Top 100 in Fremdsprachige Bücher)

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Art Collecting Today: Market Insights for Everyone Passionate about Art, by Doug Woodham PDF

Art Collecting Today: Market Insights for Everyone Passionate about Art, by Doug Woodham PDF

Art Collecting Today: Market Insights for Everyone Passionate about Art, by Doug Woodham PDF
Art Collecting Today: Market Insights for Everyone Passionate about Art, by Doug Woodham PDF

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